Friday, July 22, 2011

Treasures from the Attic - Winners have been chosen

This has been an incredibly hectic two weeks for Tutu, as we unpacked, sorted, and sold thousands of used books donated to our small library for our annual book sale.  Unfortunately, it appears that too many of these "treasures" in some people's minds were actually "no thank you's" in the minds of many of our would-be buyers, so we had to re-sort, recycle, and restow almost 3000 books to try again later or find another venue/format for their journey to a new home.

Aren't we all fortunate though that Anne Frank's aunt Helene chose to treasure all the minutiae of her niece's family so that we could share in the true treasure of learning more about this incredible young woman?  I must confess, I haven't yet gotten the time to sit down and wallow in this one, but now that my own treasure troving is done for awhile, I'm ready to dive into this one.  In the meantime, two other lucky readers will also have that opportunity thanks to Random House.  The winners are:

Lisa G.

I've sent them an email and they have until midnite Wednesday nite to get me their mailing addresses.


Welcome, thanks for stopping by. Now that you've heard our two cents, perhaps you have a few pennies to throw into the discussion. Due to a bunch more anonymous spam getting through, I've had to disallow anonymous comments. I try to respond to all comments posing a question, but may not always get to you right away.